Thanks and congratulations to LPA's Design Technology Director Nick Kramer, who is retiring as Chairman of SCRUG after three very successful years. Nick continues to serve the community in his role as Program Manager of Revit Technology Conference, and will be attending RTC Europe in Lisbon, Portugal October 20-22.
According to our tradition, the South Coast Revit Users Group was the first group of it's kind. Formed in October 2000 by Jim Balding of WATG. The history of the group was featured in the premier issue of AUGI-EDGE magazine. I previously served as organizer and co-chairperson (with some interruptions) from 2006-2013.
Now, after almost three years in the Arabian Gulf, I've returned to Southern California and I'm eager to reconnect with everyone as Chairman of the SCRUG.
There has been an amazing amount of progress and innovation surrounding BIM since those early days, and SCRUG meetings have always provided the community the opportunity for networking and fellowship among our peers. We are grateful for the continued support from our sponsors.
I would like to ask all of our members to participate in a brief survey of local BIM maturity, which will help shape the purpose and direction of the group going forward. There have been some surprises in the early responses, not including the BIM delivery stats below.
Results of the survey will be shared and discussed at the October SCRUG meeting, to be held at 6:30 pm on Thursday the 20th (tentatively) at LPA, Inc.To respond to the anonymous survey, follow: r/7Y8LWVP
I would like to ask all of our members to participate in a brief survey of local BIM maturity, which will help shape the purpose and direction of the group going forward. There have been some surprises in the early responses, not including the BIM delivery stats below.
Results of the survey will be shared and discussed at the October SCRUG meeting, to be held at 6:30 pm on Thursday the 20th (tentatively) at LPA, Inc.To respond to the anonymous survey, follow:
Autodesk University is November 15-17 in Las Vegas, and consequently we will then be on hiatus until January, with the possible exception of a holiday season social event. Stay tuned,
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